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Aiden Nana December 1, 2023
Sweet boy!! You would be 17 years old now.. I can't believe how time flies by. You have a beautiful sister that I hope you will look down upon and take care of her.. I love you and miss you so much!! Tell grandpa frank hi for us!! 
Aunt Carrie Happy 6th Birthday November 19, 2012
Well my little angel man, you would be 6 years old tomorrow. It seems like a lifetime ago that we were awaiting your arrival with such excitement. Our family was together, strong, and so hopeful about the future, anticipating all of the things we would get to do with you. Funny how fate had other plans for all of us, and for you. I keep your picture on the shelf with all of the other kids, and I keep your lock of hair with your grammy's box so it will never get lost. As time passes everyone has moved on and gone their separate ways, as the living must do. But there will always be a piece of you with each of us. I hear you on the wind sometimes, a little baby giggle, or I see other little boys your age that share your name and I think of what you would have been like. You would be so very proud of your daddy. He joined the marines and is making a good life for himself.
Happy birthday little angel baby. You are always in our thoughts, in our hearts, and forever a part of us as we move forward. Whenever we see 2 hawks in the sky we like to think you and grammy are together, watching over us.
Auntie Carrie

Oh my little angel, has it really been 3 years? So many things have changed here since you came and went. I know that everyone has a different way of dealing with their grief when it comes to loosing a loved one. It is nice to be able to come here and see your little toes and fingers, and get those feelings out for someone else to see. Your presence is missed by all of those who looked forward to holding you. But I know you must be with your Grammy somewhere, and that makes me feel a little bit better. Even though we all miss you both so very much, the idea that you can comfort eachother is comforting to me. I am leaving you a picture of your grammy here, just for your birthday.

Your Daddy loves you angel boy, even if he can't bring himself to come here to "visit" you.

Aunt Carrie
Well sweet little boy, I cannot believe that it has been so long since you left us. I was just looking at the memories that have been left and I realized that the last one was by Grammy Linda before she left us to join you wherever you are, over a year ago. We all miss you both so very much, but at least I know you must be together. When we lost you it was very hard on all of us, but especially your grammy. She had such high hopes for you to join our little pack of barn buddies! So now hopefully you are there with her, nad the two of you can spend lots of time without any interupptions! All of those times that the rest of us have missed with you, hopefully you get to have in the heavens with your grammy. I love you angel!

Aiden my sweet. You would be over a year old now. I close my eyes and see you starting to walk, strating to tease, learning to talk to me. Oh how I miss you! I close my eyes and feel your little hand in mine. I stop and listen to hear your voice on the wind. Your Aunt Katie just came in with two baby ducks. I could hear you laughing!

     Even if I can not see you, I hear you beside me every day. I talk to you every day.I love you always. Grammy

Aunt Jamie

little boy, I see you everywhere. I have spent a lot of time wondering and trying to understand why you cannot be here in the form of a little boy. I had so much wanted to see you run with the pack of other little boys. It may seam silly, but I realize that you are in the wind that follows them. Your are there, in the laughter that comes from thier voices and tears that still fall from our eyes. Your are there in your daddy's eyes. You are there pushing your daddy to make a good life and keep going. You are here in my heart when I need to forgive. You are here in my home when I wonder what you would be, how you would look, what you would like, how you would sound.

You have lefta giant footprint in my life. I know now that you were ment to be an agle. Your little soul tought me to forgive and to let go of anger. Thankyou for teaching me a lesson that I would not have know any other way. Wathcing our family over the last year, I see that you have left a unique footprint on everyones heart. Thankyou little boy. Till I feel your wind again. I love you!

Aunt Carrie

It seems unbelievable that it has been almost a year my angel. You are thought of by many, all the time. In my heart I think that you must have known that your time here was going to be so short. But in the time that you were here you taught so many of us so many things. How to love and cherish eachother. How very precious every moment can be. How to pull together with those around you in times of crisis. When you were born, and your mommy was so sick we were all able to lean on eachother to go on even though our hearts were broken. In the months that have passed we have all had to move on with our lives. But you are still here, in our hearts, reminding us how very special each day can be. That lesson will never fade.

Sometimes I hear a song that makes me think of you, and I cry. Sometimes it is looking at another little face in the crowd and wondering what you would look like now. Sometimes it is when I see your daddy's necklace, and look into his eyes to see how much he has grown up. It seems so very unfair that things happened the way they did. I fought for a long time with the idea that everything happens for a reason, but deep in my heart I know it is true. I do not understand the reason you could not stay here to be loved by us. But you are loved, whether you are here in our arms or only in our hearts. And you will always be a part of us all.

Angel Baby

Your time here with us was so very short, sweet boy. I remember feeling you kick inside your mommy's tummy and I dreamed of all of the special things we would get to do. I bought you a little piggy bank to fill up with pennies right before you were born. I was going repaint the bassinet your cousins slept in for you so you would have a bed when you came home from the hospital. I had promised your mommy I would babysit you whenever she wanted. No one ever thought things would turn out this way. Now I think every day about you and how very perfect you were, and how unfair it is that you were taken away from us all.

It is amazing how very much you touched us all, just by having been here at all. You have taught us all how very precious life is, and we all miss you so very much. You were the most perfect combination of your mommy and your daddy. Garet told me you were an angel the day you were born. We held you and kissed your sweet little face, and stroked your perfect little hands and feet. We dressed you in the clothes that your grammy Linda bought you, and wrapped you in a blue blanket that Garet had passed down to you, as well as the beautiful blanket your Aunt Jamie made you.  You looked just like your daddy, except for your mommy's dark hair.  Your mommy did not get to hold you in her arms  or even see you because she was so sick, so we all made sure you were held by the people who loved you, so we could tell her how perfect you had been.

I will put a copy of your handprint on the wall at Grammy's house with all of the other grandchildren one of these days when I can do it without crying so much.

I love you my sweet little nephew. I will wear the pin with the baby footprints that I bought to remember you every day. Sleep well.

Love, Aunt Carrie


Grammy Linda
To my dearest Aiden. Some might think it impossible to miss someone who never got the chance to live, but mysweet, I miss you every day. It seems that not an hour goes by without you being in my thoughts. You were born an angel to look over your mom and dad. I new you were going to be something special and you are! You have brought two families close together with love and understanding. I can't help but think about all the days I will miss with you. I had been dreaming about you being my next "Barn Buddy" like all the rest of my grandchildren. I will miss your little hand in mine walking through the barn or swinging you for hours on the swing or building race tracks in the sand or making a cake or even  play dough sitting on Grammy's counter. I love you always, Grammy
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